We need YOU!  HCWV is an all-volunteer club so we RELY on your involvement. You'll have fun and meet other great alumni/ae along the way!

Email Chuck Johnson with your contact information and interests in any of the following:

   Events Committee -- plan venues, coordinate activities, registration, set-up
    Marketing -- Pick the area you'd like to get involved in -- social media, website management, PR, etc.
    Membership -- work with the above committees to continue to grow our club
    Come to an event.  Your participation is what makes our events meaningful and fun!

    Schools & Scholarship Committee

        Become an Admissions Interviewer.
        All alumni welcome (you don’t have to be an undergrad alum, graduate degree alums make great interviewers!)
        Contact Dan Foster, Schools & Scholarships Chair.

    If you would like to get involved but not sure how, please contact us!